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Sku Produttore
21,60 €

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Scottoil traditional oil


The Scottoil range has been specially developed for the use of Scottoiler systems. The oils have additives that prevent dirt and dust binding.

The traditional oil should be used in a temperature range of 0 ° C to 30 ° C.


500 ml Scottoil are sufficient for approx. 25,000 kilometers. A 500 ml bottle is enough to fill your reservoir 10 times. The amount is also sufficient to fill the Magnum tank (additional system) completely.



Note: We do not recommend the use of other oils in the Scottoilersystemen, as this may damage the system.


- Can be used year round in Northern Europe


Attention: Delivery without filling tube - see part number 710.46.15. 


This product is only compatible with specific motorbike models