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Sku Produttore
39,60 €

Versand innerhalb von 2 Tagen Mehr Info

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Rückgabe und Umtausch innerhalb von 30 Tagen Mehr Info

Hünersdorff Fuel Can FuelFriend 1.0L   Never push the motorcycle to the gas station or arrive early. The solution: A handy 1 L canister for motorcycles, scooters, quads, etc. The smallest zapfpistol-compatible canister on the market For storage and transport of dangerous goods For motorcycle travel, model building and more. The emergency reserve for motorcycles, scooters, quads and other small engines Small, extremely stable, meets the highest safety requirements With grommets on the side for fixing with a strap etc. E10 is suitable Range up to 30 km With black screw connection Delivery without filling tube, please order this separately Caution: Never fill the canister full - an air cushion for expansion must always be present!   Volume: 1 liter Red color Material: HD-PE Internal Ø of the filling opening: 29 mm Dimensions (HxWxD): 165 x 125 x 65 mm Weight: 240 g