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Sku Produttore


Sonderpreis 500,90 € Regulärer Preis 529,97 €

Versand innerhalb von 2 Tagen Mehr Info

Kostenloser Versand ab 250 € Mehr Info

Rückgabe und Umtausch innerhalb von 30 Tagen Mehr Info


  • Search for the best combustion
  • Light and very small in size
  • Possibility to connect multiple LC1 devices at the same time
LC1-PRO is a Lambda kit developed by GET, which monitors the oxygen values in the exhaust gases, an indispensable value for carburation and to achieve the best combustion, and, therefore, maximum power. The kit consists of the Lambda Wide Band sensor connected to the LC1-PRO device for signal conditioning and direct data transfer to the acquisition tools or the engine management unit. In multiple cylinder applications, multiple LC1 devices can be connected at the same time. Lightweight and ultra-small, the LC1-PRO device can be easily mounted without batteries in all batteryless applications, such as off-road competition bikes
This product is only compatible with specific motorbike models