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Athena cylinder set


For more than 10 years, Athena has been investing in the best and most advanced technologies for producing cylinders and their components, which are used not only by OE manufacturers, but also by the best racing teams in the world.


The manufacture of aluminum cylinders is constantly improved by working with the best Italian universities as well as the continuous development of the best engine tuners.


Due to a flexible production department, Athena can react efficiently to different situations (production batches of OE manufacturers, small quantities, construction of a prototype for racing teams).


Athena cylinders are made of high-quality aluminum alloys. They are manufactured taking into account the latest technologies and coated with a nickel-silicon alloy. Once all the cylinders have passed the strict quality controls, they meet the highest standards of reliability, longevity and performance.




- A special 3D software is able to generate virtual simulations and mechanical loads

- Aluminum cylinders are cast in steel molds and CNC-machined (mill tolerances can be guaranteed in all production phases)

- Revised water channels to increase capacity

- Cylinder liners are made of a special silicone carbide and nickel mixture to ensure the best performance of the piston as well as the best durability of the cylinder

- Tested at an indoor temperature of approx. 20 degrees, for the best possible control of the holes and the cylinders

- Cylinder surfaces are perfectly flat to eliminate any inaccuracies



Technical specifications:

Material of cylinder: aluminum

Type of cooling: Air cooled

Bore: 38 mm

Stroke: 42 mm

Displacement: 47.6 cc

Compaction: 8: 1

Piston bolt diameter: 12 mm

Number of overflow channels: 2

Shape of the piston bottom: curved

Number of piston rings: 2

Thickness of upper piston ring: 1.5 mm

Thickness of 2nd piston ring: 1.5 mm

Type of piston ring: iron

Outlet: 1 x oval

Cylinder head: cylinder + head in one

This product is only compatible with specific motorbike models